• 83 411 611 62 , 99513 99779
  • info@qlozics.com
  • KPHB, Hyderabad

Snowflake Training in Hyderabad With DBT Integration

Snowflake is a popular cloud-based data warehousing solution that provides scalable, secure, and high-performance storage and analytics capabilities for large-scale data sets. As more and more companies adopt Snowflake, the demand for skilled Snowflake professionals has increased significantly.

At Qlozics Technologies, we offer comprehensive Snowflake training that covers the fundamentals of Snowflake, data modeling, data loading, and query optimization. Our training program is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to become proficient in Snowflake and succeed in a variety of roles, including data analysts, data engineers, and data architects.

Course Snowflake
Duration Of The Course 28 to 30 Days
Location KPHB – Hyderabad
Mode of Training  Online / Offline
Snowflake Course Demo June 3rd Evening 7.30PM (IST)

Our Snowflake training program includes:

  • Introduction to Snowflake: An overview of Snowflake’s architecture, features, and benefits.
  • Data Modeling: Best practices for designing efficient and scalable data models in Snowflake, including schema design, table design, and indexing.
  • Data Loading: Techniques for loading data into Snowflake, including bulk loading, streaming, and using Snowpipe.
  • Query Optimization: Strategies for optimizing query performance in Snowflake, including using Snowflake’s query profiler, caching, and partitioning.
  • Data Governance and Security: Best practices for managing data governance and security in Snowflake, including role-based access control, auditing, and compliance.
  • Snowflake Integration: How to integrate Snowflake with other tools and platforms, such as AWS, Azure, and Tableau.
  • Snowflake Administration: How to administer and manage Snowflake accounts, virtual warehouses, and users.

Our Snowflake training program is delivered by experienced Snowflake professionals who have hands-on experience in designing, building, and optimizing Snowflake solutions for enterprise clients. Our training program includes hands-on exercises, projects, and real-world case studies to help students gain practical experience with Snowflake.

At the end of our Snowflake training program, students will have a strong foundation in Snowflake and will be able to apply their knowledge to design, build, and optimize scalable data warehousing solutions in Snowflake.

Snowflake Certification Program

There are currently three levels of certification offered by Snowflake:

Snowflake offers various certification exams for professionals who want to demonstrate their expertise in designing, building, and optimizing Snowflake solutions. The Snowflake certification program provides a comprehensive and standardized framework for evaluating the skills and knowledge of Snowflake professionals, and can help professionals stand out in a competitive job market.

  1. SnowPro Core Certification: This certification is designed for professionals who have a basic understanding of Snowflake and its features. The SnowPro Core Certification exam covers topics such as Snowflake architecture, data modeling, data loading, and querying. The exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions and is available online.
  2. SnowPro Advanced Certification: This certification is designed for professionals who have a deeper understanding of Snowflake and its advanced features. The SnowPro Advanced Certification exam covers topics such as advanced querying techniques, query optimization, data governance and security, and Snowflake administration. The exam consists of 80 multiple-choice questions and is available online.
  3. SnowPro Expert Certification: This certification is designed for professionals who have an in-depth understanding of Snowflake and its advanced features, as well as extensive hands-on experience in designing, building, and optimizing Snowflake solutions. To become a SnowPro Expert, professionals must pass a hands-on lab exam, which tests their ability to design, build, and optimize a Snowflake solution based on a real-world scenario.

By earning a Snowflake certification, professionals can demonstrate their proficiency in Snowflake and their commitment to continuous learning and professional development. Snowflake certifications are recognized by employers and can help professionals advance their careers in fields such as data engineering, data analysis, and data architecture. Additionally, Snowflake certification holders are listed in the Snowflake Partner Connect Directory, which can help them connect with potential clients and employers.

Snowflake Course Syllabus

Snowflake Introduction Snowflake SQL – DDL
Snowflake Roles Snowflake SQL – DML & DQL
Snowflake Pricing – Warehouse Snowflake SQL – Sub Queries & Case Statement
Micro Partitioning in Snowflake Snowflake SQL – SET Operators
Clustering in Snowflake Snowflake SQL – Working with ROW NUMBER
Query History & Caching Snowflake SQL – Functions & Transactions
Load Data from AWS Procedures – JavaScript
Snow Pipe Data Masking
Different Type of Tables Row Level Security
Time Travel Shares & Data Replication
Task in Snowflake – Scheduling Service ALL TYPE OF VIEW- Mview
Snowflake Stream – Change Data Capture (CDC) User Defined Function
Zero-Copy Cloning External Tables
  Migration Project On Premises to Snowflake
  Mock Interview Sessions